The New Rapid Assessment For Easy MSP Prospecting

The New Rapid Assessment For Easy MSP Prospecting

Listen to the podcast here

audIT founder Frank DeBenedetto was recently a guest of Robin Robin’s from Technology Marketing Toolkit. On the webinar, Robin shared her new marketing campaign for her 10-minute call.

The webinar was titled: How To Nail The “10-Minute Call” With A New Prospect To Guarantee The MSP Close. It is a fantastic foot-in-the-door strategy to do a rapid assessment right over a Zoom call.

And Frank presented audIT’s solution to easily and quickly go from start to a completed presentation right on the call. Just ask 9 simple questions, click and pick, then generate a PowerPoint presentation that closes the deal.

On our Friday Facebook/Youtube Live show, Frank and I shared more on how to use the brand-new category and template already available to all audIT users. It’s called the Rapid Assessment and we created the template so you can easily start prospecting and presenting right over a simple Zoom call.

Of course, we filmed the live the Friday before the Independence Day holiday weekend. So, there may have also been some shenanigans.

Watch the video here


Make sure to tune in every Friday at 2pm EST for the audIT Live. Make sure to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our Youtube channel to get notified when we go live.